Discover the Truth You Need. Experienced Experts and
Advanced Polygraph Technology.
The truth matters. But uncovering it isn’t always easy, and unanswered questions can weigh heavily on your heart—affecting your life, business, and relationships.
At Arizona Lie Detection, our experienced polygraph examiners are retired law enforcement officers dedicated to truth and integrity.
As a ✟ Christian-owned company, we uphold the highest standards of honesty and professionalism. Utilizing the latest polygraph technology and advanced training, we help bring clarity and peace of mind when it matters most.​​
“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.” Proverbs 11:3 (ESV)
“Polygraph examiners recognize that what makes today’s polygraph better than in years past is the addition of more and better data channels, advanced testing protocols, improved sensors, and inclusion of automation for more reliable testing and valid data analysis.”
Don Krapohl
Converus Advisory Board, former assistant director of NCCA, and former U.S. federal government polygraph examiner.
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300 US dollars1 hr
300 US dollars1 hr
500 US dollars

The Polygraph Blog