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Polygraph F.A.Q.

How Much Is A Polygraph​


We provide a wide range of polygraph pricing options to cater to different needs. Our polygraph exams are available in the price range of $300 to $750 per test.


How accurate is a Polygraph?


U.S. Government studies have concluded that when a qualified examiner conducts the test properly, the polygraph exam is between 88 and 91 percent accurate. 

It is crucial to understand that a polygraph is not God or a crystal ball. It is a useful tool for detecting deception, but it is not infallible, and its accuracy is contingent upon various factors such as the individual's physiological responses to each question.


What type of questions can be asked?​


Test questions must be limited to “yes” or “no” and "true" or false" answers. The test questions must have definite objective answers and may not be opinions. The test questions must relate to past events of a factual nature.


How many questions can be asked?​


An examiner can usually cover one (1) to three (3) relevant questions during an exam. It takes about 50 minutes to cover these three questions effectively.


What does the test consist of?​


The polygraph administrator receives and reviews the facts of the case. The examiner formulates the specific test questions based upon the facts of the situations and the examinee’s version of the events.


The examiner explains the test process to the examinee and reviews the facts of the case during the pretest interview. At this time the examiner reads each question to the examinee to make sure each one is easily understood.


The examinee is attached to the polygraph instrument and given additional instructions. 


The questions are read by the examinee while they are attached to the polygraph instrument using sensors that measure eyes, heart rate, breathing, seat pad and sweat gland activity. These measurements are charted on graphs or stored in the memory of computerized polygraph units.


Upon completion of the questions, the computer will analyze the charts and numerically score the charts to make sure that his analysis is within the acceptable limits of the instrument. This score results in a conclusion that the examinee has answered either truth, deception or is determined to be inconclusive.


The examiner will transmit the results to the client via email with a polygraph report by the end of the business day. 


NOTE: Polygraph exams are conducted in private. No other persons are allowed in the examination room during the test. Most reputable examiners videotape the examination for the protection of all parties involved.


Prior to the polygraph exam, clients are required to abstain from consuming any drugs or alcohol. It is strictly prohibited to employ any countermeasures during the test. Additionally, clients who wear eyeglasses are advised to bring them to the examination. However, if you have eyelash extensions, or any contact lenses used to alter the pupils, they must be removed before the test.


Why does your company limit questions to only 1 to 3?


Polygraph Test results are usually less reliable with an increase in the number of relevant test questions. A healthy individual can only produce readable polygraph charts for a limited period of time; after this time has passed it is impossible to generate a conclusive polygraph test.


While some polygraph companies may advertise the option of offering more questions as their customers desire, practical limitations exist. Beware of examiners who sweet-talk and entice with discounted rates and an extensive number of questions; such practices show a lack of genuine concern for the examinee's best interests. Subjecting an individual to a high-stress situation, compounded by an extensive number of questions, and subjective questions, can lead to inaccurate results. 


How Does The Polygraph Detect Lies From The Eyes?


The technology is a computer-based deception detection system that uses eye behavior combined with a standard computerized polygraph instrument o assess truthfulness. It does not directly involve the eyes themselves but rather measures various eye-related parameters to infer deception or truthfulness.


Our technology utilizes an infrared eye-tracking camera to monitor and analyze specific eye behaviors during a test. These behaviors include pupil dilation, blink rate, fixations, and saccades (rapid eye movements). The system tracks these eye movements and combines them with other physiological responses such as changes in skin conductance and respiration patterns.


The underlying principle is that deceptive individuals may exhibit distinct physiological responses, including changes in eye behavior, when they are lying or being deceptive. The EyeDetect software compares the eye-related measurements and other physiological responses against established baselines and algorithms to determine the likelihood of deception.


The eye tracking camera works with our polygraph instrument, providing our clients with TWO polygraph exams all in one. The The eye portion primarily relies on analyzing eye behavior, including pupil dilation, blink rate, fixations, and saccades, along with other physiological responses such as changes in skin conductance and respiration patterns.


But, unlike the old polygraph equipment where the examiner determines if your telling the truth or not, this test is administered and scored by algorithm — not an examiner — so it has perfect reliability.

  • By scheduling the polygraph exam, you affirm that the examinee is physically and mentally fit and agrees to fully cooperate with the examination without resorting to any deceptive techniques or tactics.

  • Examinees are required to refrain from using drugs or alcohol before the exam.

  • The polygraph exam utilizes both the traditional polygraph and an eye tracker via a computer.

  • Examinees wearing eyeglasses must bring them on the day of the exam. If contact lenses are used, please wear them.

  • Examinees should avoid excessive fake eyelash extensions to prevent false positives with the eye tracker.

  • Using countermeasures during the exam is strictly prohibited. It will result in a test failure.

  • The polygraph determines credibility through various physiological measurements, and the Eye Tracker provides additional data.

  • The examination is conducted entirely through a computer interface, with the examinee connected to both the polygraph instrument and the eye-detection lie detector simultaneously.

  • Examinees must be able to read the questions and hear questions presented on the computer screen and audibly during the test.

  • Examinees concerned about high blood pressure or other factors can choose not to be connected to the polygraph and only utilize the eye detection component of the examination.

  • The results of the exam will be emailed via a report to the examinee and authorized individuals by the end of the business day.

  • The polygraph computer applications (A.I.) determine credibility based on physiological responses.

  • Examinees can opt for a second test if they question the accuracy, but they will need to pay an additional exam fee.

  • Only the examinee is allowed in the office on the day of the test. Nearby coffee shops, retail stores, and establishments are available for the examinee to visit.

  • Testing accuracy may be compromised when subjective topics influenced by individual sentiments, preferences, or judgments are involved.

  • Polygraph tests are most effective when focused on past occurrences or conduct.

  • The combined accuracy of the polygraph and EyeDetect is 92%, while the EyeDetect alone has an accuracy of 88%.


The price for a 1-topic question polygraph exam is $300, which includes the same-day results.

The price for a 3
-topic question polygraph exam is $400, which includes the same-day results.

Additional questions require a second exam.

Customers are allowed to suggest their questions along with details surrounding the accusations or topic at hand. However, the examiner has the sole discretion to edit, revise, and change the questions to suit the situation.

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